February Full Moon In Leo


Hola Everyone, 

Just getting settled back in from our amazing STY retreat in San Pancho, Mexico. What an incredible adventure with some amazing woman. We are already looking forward to our next one, and will keep you posted!

If you have ever planned a big event before you know all the love, energy, excitement and creativity that you pour into it. When the event is over, it can sometimes be hard to restore and reset. I know I experience a bit of sadness at letting it go. As I was settling back in and trying to rest my body, I realized we have a pretty strong full moon around the bend. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to recharge, reconnect to my creativity and power, and to ground to this moment.  Maybe by sharing this insight, you may also be able to harness a little needed moon energy. 

Full moons can affect people differently based on a combination of astrological influences, personal life stage, emotional state, and personal beliefs. It is important to remember that each person’s experience of the full moon is unique and valid. This may vibe with your energy this month, it may not. You may choose to do all of the suggestions below, you may choose none of them. What’s so magical is…the choice is always yours.

February’s full moon in Leo (2/5) can be an exciting time for personal growth and self-expression. Leo is a fiery sign associated with creativity, confidence and courage. Here are some things to consider about this powerful full moon and how you can harness its energy through your yoga practice. 

Leo is associated with the heart chakra: Leo is a sign associated with the heart chakra, which governs our ability to love and be loved, as well as our sense of self-worth. This full moon is a great time to focus on opening and balancing your heart chakra.

Encourages self-expression: The full moon in Leo is a time to let your true self shine. Use this energy to be confident, bold and expressive in all areas of your life.

Focuses on personal growth: Leo is all about growth and development. Use this full moon to set intentions and focus on your personal growth and development.

Yoga Poses:

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) – This pose opens the heart chakra and strengthens the spine, promoting confidence and courage.

Lion Pose (Simhasana) – The lion pose is a fun and playful pose that helps release tension and promote self-expression.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) – Triangle pose promotes balance and stability, helping you align with the grounding energy of the full moon.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) – This simple but powerful pose helps you connect to the earth and find stability, making it a great full moon yoga pose.


Confidence: Set the intention to cultivate confidence and trust in yourself and your abilities.

Self-expression: Use this full moon to tap into your creativity and express yourself fully.

Personal growth: Focus on personal growth and development, and set the intention to cultivate growth in all areas of your life.


Heart Chakra Meditation: Sit comfortably and place your hands on your heart. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Visualize a bright, warm light shining from your heart and filling your entire body. Repeat affirmations such as “I am worthy of love and happiness” to balance and open your heart chakra.

Full Moon Visualization: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize the full moon shining brightly in the sky, filling you with its energy and light. Repeat affirmations such as “I am confident, bold and expressive” to tap into the full moon’s energy.

Journal Prompts:

What do I need to let go of in order to fully express my true self?

What areas of my life do I want to focus on for personal growth and development?

What steps can I take to open and balance my heart chakra?

How can I bring more joy and playfulness into my life?

February’s full moon in Leo is a powerful time for personal growth and self-expression. Incorporating yoga poses, intentions, meditations and journaling into your full moon practice can help you tap into the Leo energy and align with your highest potential. 

We are hoping to be back out on the beach playing in the sand with all of you soon. Please continue to follow and interact with us on Social Media, otherwise we disappear from your feed. There we will post any Pop Up Yoga classes and any FB lives I plan. You can also sign up for our Beach Yoga and Events Newsletter here.

If you would like more information on private one on one or small group session please message me at melora@serenitytreeyoga.com


Virgo Full Moon Yoga and Meditation


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