Virgo Full Moon Yoga and Meditation


The Full Moon in Virgo (March 7th) provides a unique opportunity to explore and release our shadows around perfectionism, and our fear of making mistakes. Virgo is the sign of the goddess, a perfectionist at heart. The Virgo energy is a reminder that we all have a gift to be discovered. The trick is being able to step out of our own way to share our gift, without fear or hesitation. As we tune in to the energy of the full Moon, we can explore our patterns of thought and behavior that may be holding us back from taking risks and embracing our true potential. It provides us with an opportunity to identify and confront any unconscious patterns or emotions that may be preventing us from realizing our dreams. Opening us up to shift into a higher vibration through release, and creating space for forgiveness.

Yoga and meditation are a great way to connect with the energy of this full moon helping us to work and shift our inner blocks.

Below are some poses and mediations that can help you tap into the transformative power of the Full Moon In Virgo.

*Please take a moment to warm up your body before moving into theses stretches.

Goddess Pose

Goddess Pose promotes grounding and stability, which can be important during the full moon when emotions may be heightened, and energy may feel scattered. The full moon is a time of manifestation and growth, but it is also a time to ground yourself and find balance. Goddess pose is also a hip opener, which can help to release any stagnant energy or tension that may be held in the hips.

Warrior 1

Warrior 1 requires balance, focus, and strength, and can help us cultivate a sense of inner courage and determination. As we hold this pose, we can connect with our own inner warrior and tap into our own power and self-confidence while letting go of doubt and judgement.

Camel Pose

Camel Pose can help us release our fear of making mistakes is Camel Pose. This pose requires us to open our heart center and connect with our breath, allowing us to release any fear and anxiety that may be holding us back. As we hold this pose, we can connect with our own sense of inner strength and resilience, and cultivate a sense of trust in ourselves and in the universe.

Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose promotes relaxation and rest, allowing us to connect with our breath and turn inward. As we hold this pose, we can release any tension or fear that may be holding us back, and cultivate a sense of playfulness and acceptance.

Tree Pose

Tree Pose can help to promote a sense of grounding and stability. As we hold this pose, we can connect with the energy of the earth and cultivate a sense of rootedness and stability. This can help us to release any fear or anxiety that may be holding us back from taking a leap of faith and embracing our true potential.


Body Scan Meditation

This meditation can help you connect with your body and become aware of any physical sensations that are related to your emotions or patterns. If possible find a quiet and comfortable space to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Slowly scan your body from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. As you focus on each area, ask yourself if there is any emotion or thought pattern associated with it. Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge any emotions that arise, without judgment.

Shadow Work Meditation

This meditation can help you confront any unconscious patterns or beliefs that are holding you back. To do this meditation, again, find a quiet and comfortable space to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize a version of yourself that represents your shadow or any negative beliefs you might have. Allow yourself to observe this version of yourself and ask it questions about its beliefs and behaviors. Engage in a conversation with this version of yourself, allowing yourself to listen and learn from it. This can help you gain clarity about any limiting beliefs or behaviors that might be holding you back.

Gratitude Meditation

This meditation can help shift your focus from negative patterns or emotions to more positive and empowering ones. To do this meditation, again, find a quiet and comfortable space to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then, focus on something you are grateful for in your life. It could be a person, a situation, or an opportunity. Allow yourself to fully feel the gratitude and appreciation for this thing. Then, slowly shift your focus to something you want to manifest in your life. Visualize yourself already having it, and feel the joy and gratitude for it as if it has already happened. This can help shift your mindset towards more positive and empowering beliefs, and help you attract the things you want in your life.

The full Moon in Virgo 2023 provides us with an opportunity to explore and release our shadows around perfectionism and our fear of making mistakes. Through yoga poses like Warrior 1, Camel Pose, Child’s Pose, and Tree Pose and Meditations we can connect with our own inner strength and resilience, and cultivate a sense of trust in ourselves and in the universe. This can be a powerful time for self-awareness and growth, and by confronting our unconscious patterns and emotions, we can clear the path towards realizing our dreams, embracing our true potential and taking a leap of faith. We can move forward with clarity and purpose, knowing that we are supported every step of the way.

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Spring Equinox: Yoga and Meditation to Help You Align With The Natural Rhythms of the Earth.


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