My Tribute To A Friend I Never Met


My tribute to a friend I never met…

Most people I know have a love/hate relationship with social media.  I am one of those people.  But what I don’t think people realize is that through these outlets, you can meet some amazing, empowering humans.  Occasionally, you meet someone who truly astounds you.  Through that little square, friendships can be made that make eternal impacts.  Heidi was one of those people, and this week, the world lost a true warrior.

When I first ventured on to IG in 2013, Heidi was one of the first non-local people I started following.  I think we were both part of some yoga challenge and just trying to keep up.  Heidi’s leg was in a huge cast due to a recent injury on a bungee cord, but that didn’t stop her from her practice.  We shared ideas, photo editing secrets, and of course, many yoga challenges. 

For years, she endured multiple surgeries, hospital stays and recovery time to correct the damage to her foot.  Eventually, she had to choose to amputate, as the doctors believed they had done everything possible to no avail. 

I believe within a year of her amputation, she was diagnosed with cancer.  She again fought hard with grace and hope, went through treatment, and it receded.  Not long after, it came back, and with another type of cancer that she could not beat.  Through these years of following Heidi, not once did she play the victim. Not once did she give up. 

I do realize that what you see on IG isn’t always real life, but what I saw was a woman who wasn’t going to let life’s challenges take her down.  She had some days where she was pissed off, but she always kept the fight going, and she stayed positive.  And through her stories and raw honesty, she touched the lives of so many people. 

She wasn’t an IG celebrity; she was a superwoman who offered herself to the world as an open book.  If you were to read through everyone’s post this week under  #loveforheidiaroundtheworld you would see she was a true gift to so many people suffering with a lost limb or with cancer or were just suffering. 

You would see that she answered every single PM, even from people that may have just found her.  Heidi had 33.8K followers, and she made sure to make them all personal friends.  Heidi was inspirational, sweet, kind, cheerful and really funny.  She said it best herself, “Share yourself; it heals.”

With each challenge, she fought back.  She was a warrior, a force of passion and resilience, a carrier of hope and light, an inspiration.  Ultimately, cancer stole her physical body - but her love of life, her infectious spirit, and her big beautiful smile will rest in the hearts of many of us for a very long time.

I am writing this as a tribute to Heidi, and I’m posing a challenge to myself and maybe to you.  Let’s live life more from our hearts.  Let’s love more, forgive quicker, take risks, live…like you are dying. 

And truth be told, we all are.  Every day, we get closer.  It is something we try not to think about; we try to shove it under the rug, but eventually, we all die.  How would you live differently if you knew you only had a brief time? 

I know, we all have our excuses; I am just as guilty.  But I am going to do my best to honor Heidi’s badass, love big, keep moving mentality.

“Not knowing our future is the greatest life motivator. So, go out and press on; focus on the good…it is there. It may be in your blind spot but it is up to you to autofocus on what you choose.” -Heidi Zoltak

Here Are My Challenges to Myself and To You

  • Do something that scares you. Take a risk.  Maybe you will fail, but maybe not.  And if you do fail, try again.  As Yoda says, “The greatest teacher failure is.”

  • Forgive someone. Forgive someone even if they don’t deserve your forgiveness. “You must forgive those who hurt you, even if whatever they did to you is unforgivable in your mind. You will forgive them not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because you don’t want to suffer and hurt yourself every time you remember what they did to you. It doesn’t matter what others did to you, you are going to forgive them because you don’t want to feel sick all the time. Forgiveness is for your own mental healing. You will forgive because you feel compassion for yourself. Forgiveness is an act of self-love” ~ Don Miquel Ruiz

  • Forgive yourself. Why do we hold onto our mistakes more than our accomplishments? Just something to think about.  We store our mistakes in the deepest crevasses of the body only to be replayed over and over again.  Why do we do this to ourselves.  FORGIVE

  • Quit playing the victim. It will never serve you, I repeat, it will never serve you.

  • Laugh. The old saying “laughter is the best medicine” is for real ya’ll.

  • Make a positive difference in someone else’s life. You have no idea the impact you can have on a person’s life.  Heidi probably knew, in person, 20% of the people following her, yet she impacted so many of them with just her words.  In just one day her Facebook and IG were filled with testimonials from people she has inspired, touched, encouraged and believed in.

  • Smile at someone. Send an energetic hug to a perfect stranger.  Your simple kindness, that cost you absolutely nothing, could have an enormous impact on how their day unfolds.  And who knows, maybe they will pass on the kindness.

  • Quit complaining. I mean, I’m not saying you must go cold turkey.  But shoot for a day, then maybe a few days, maybe a week, maybe a month.  They say habits are formed within 30 days.  Replace the complaint with “how can I change this; how can I make it better”.

  • Love big, love more. Simple as that.

This is a quote that Heidi posted and then some words from Heidi ~

I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; I burn the best candles on ordinary days.
I am no longer waiting for the house to be clean; I fill it with people who understand that even dust is Sacred.
I am no longer waiting for everyone to understand me; It’s just not their task
I am no longer waiting for the perfect children; my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star.
I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived.
I am no longer waiting for the time to be right; the time is always now.
I am no longer waiting for the mate who will complete me; I am grateful to be so warmly, tenderly held.
I am no longer waiting for a quiet moment; my heart can be stilled whenever it is called.
I am no longer waiting for the world to be at peace; I unclench my grasp and breathe peace in and out.
I am no longer waiting to do something great; being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough.
I am no longer waiting to be recognized; I know that I dance in a holy circle.
I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness. I believe, I Believe. -Mary Anne Perrone ————————————- “This poem is everything. ❤ there is no special occasion to celebrate life. Make this world better with your gifted ways, let your truth lead you, believe that love is the answer, create hope, laugh until you pee, shine bright… All the things. Now is the time to join hands in all ways always in every day. I love each and every one of you who lift me, love me, and support me. Thank you.” Heidi

Game on, as Heidi would say.  And if all of these seem like too much to do at once, no worries.  Take it one step at a time.  Feel free to message me with your struggles and with your success.  We can do this together.  I am doing this in honor of Heidi, who I know is running like the wind and soaring pain-free, with a smile on her face and a beer in her hand.  Cheers, my friend, you will be missed.

P.S.  Also, in Heidi’s honor, Kate Counts and I will be working on an IG Challenge.  One focused on heart centered poses and mantras, self love and living life to the fullest.  I know Heidi would love the idea of bringing people together to celebrate strength, love and life.  We will keep you posted.


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