Unplug and Plug-in


I consider myself a pretty lucky girl.  I have created a business that I love.  And if you know me, you know I love STY like it’s another child.  I nurture, feed, obsess over, and tend to her at all hours of the day-7 days a week.  Up until very recently I hadn’t had an email free vacation in almost 4 years.  I work this hard because I love it so much.  Because I get excited to work 🙂 What they say is true, love what you do, and it isn’t work.   Internet, email, hot-spots, social media, all things that have helped me grow my business.  I’m able to work wherever I am at.  And believe me, I am super grateful for that, because it allows me to be a business owner and still be able to get away.  However more and more I would end up spending a significant amount of time on our vacations, working.  I think sometimes, that is OK, but sometimes, it’s not.  I was really struggling to find that balance.  My husband is the same way. As a real-estate agent he is always working on vacations.  Because this is something we both do, it became the norm.  And I think many these days are living in that same space of not having any disconnect from their work.  And no matter how much you love your job, there needs to be some disconnect.  Some sense of freedom, or you start to lose yourself.  One of my favorite quotes became such a reality for me.

I had no idea how much I had been carrying around.  STY was growing into the most beautiful, amazing, magical creature, and I was struggling to keep up with her.  For those of you that don’t know, not only are we on the beach teaching open classes as much as possible, but we also offer bachelorette, wedding day and birthday yoga, and have many of these going on every weekend. These sessions keep me very tied into emails.  For the last month I have been working with someone that could help me with those emails, and watch over the business when I go away.  So that’s what I did.  I went to New Orleans for Jazz Fest with 14 girls, disconnected from emails for 5 days, and let go of all responsibilities.  It was incredible! I saw more live music than I could imagine, and danced all day and all night.  I cleansed, healed, and nurtured my spirit.  I opened up my heart to all things magical, healing and loving and just let it fill my body.  What I didn’t do much of was sleep 😉 So I expected to be completely exhausted when I arrived home.  But I found that to not be the case.  When I returned Monday evening I felt totally rejuvenated and alive.  I felt light and free. I felt reunited with me.  Now, I did take a nap on Tuesday, which was also amazing, and then I felt even better 🙂

My point being that yes, the internet, emails, social media have all made certain aspects in our lives easier.  But, it has also created this idea that we are always accessible.  Where is our time to just be free, to be ourselves? And the further we get from ourselves, the heavier our weight becomes.  So here is my challenge to you. The next time you take a morning off, day off, few days or a week off, let yourself completely disconnect.  Don’t check your emails, don’t call work, don’t worry about work.  Completely unplug work and worries and plug into you.  Make yourself a priority! I double dare you 😉 Because when you make yourself a priority, and you are true to who you are, things will fall into place.  Your true self will radiate and you will become a magnet to all good things.  Just keep reminding yourself – You are absolutely 100% worth it!!  Love you guys ~ Melora


You Are A Badass


Beach Yoga Rocks!