Yoga & Breathwork To Help You Align With The New Moon Energy

“dear hearts~
An invitation to fill our lungs with deep breaths and anchor ourselves into the Earth, wherever we find ourselves on our planet, as our prayers for peace resound “ ~Mystic Mamma

New Moon in Scorpio November 2023

As we experience the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th, 2023, it's like the universe is nudging us to move beyond the tug-of-war mentality that can often sneak into our lives. I admit, I've been there too. Instead of getting caught up in divisive and competitive vibes, let's imagine standing in this cool circle of Life. It's a place where we're all connected, no sides or divisions. In this space, the New Moon in Scorpio becomes a kind of guide for us, pushing us toward self-discovery and change.

Scorpio is all about intense feelings and starting fresh, encouraging us to let go of old habits. So, when we step into this vibe of transformation, our yoga and mindful breathing become tools to connect with Scorpio's energy, helping us explore our inner depths and come out on the other side feeling brand new. Just as the moon disappears and reemerges, we too can harness this energy to shed old layers and embrace new beginnings through a specially crafted yoga practice.

Breathwork: Nurturing the Inner Flame

Before stepping onto the mat, take a moment to connect with your breath. Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and bring your attention inward. Inhale deeply, allowing the breath to expand your chest and belly. Exhale slowly, releasing any tension or stagnation. Focus on nurturing your inner flame, the seat of transformation within you, with each breath.

Some other options for breathwork:

Ujjayi Breath (Victorious Breath)

Find a comfortable seated position. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs. Exhale through your nose, constricting the back of your throat to create a soft, audible sound. Ujjayi breath helps build internal heat, fostering a sense of inner transformation and focus.

Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Sit comfortably, using your right thumb to close off your right nostril and your right ring finger to close off your left. Inhale through the left nostril, then close it off and exhale through the right. This breathwork balances the energy channels, promoting a harmonious flow of energy crucial for Scorpio's transformative energy.

Yoga Poses: Embracing Transformation

These poses can help you to align with the transformative energy of Scorpio and to facilitate release, surrender, and exploration during this lunar phase.

Child's Pose (Balasana)

This pose encourages a deep surrender as you bow down, symbolizing the shedding of old layers. Resting your forehead on the mat promotes introspection (connection to your third eye) and invites you to breathe deeply into your lower back. The release experienced in Child's Pose aligns with Scorpio's transformative energy, allowing you to let go of what no longer serves you.

~Start in a kneeling position, sitting back on your heels.

~Extend your arms forward, lowering your chest to the mat.

~Surrender to the pose, allowing your forehead to rest on the mat.

~Breathe deeply into your lower back, inviting release and surrender.

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This pose encourages a strong connection to the earth while allowing the spine to lengthen. As you exhale in Downward Dog, imagine releasing old patterns into the earth, making room for transformation.

~Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

~As you exhale, start to lift your hips toward the ceiling, straightening your legs. Imagine creating an inverted V shape with your body.

~Let your heels release towards the earth, they do not need to touch.

~Extend your spine by reaching your tailbone toward the ceiling and pressing your chest toward your thighs.

~Draw your shoulder blades down your back, engaging the muscles between your shoulder blades.

~Breathe deeply and evenly, focusing on creating space in your spine with each inhale and relaxing into the pose with each exhale.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

In Cobra Pose, when you lift your chest, it's like turning on a little spark in your backbone. It's kind of like Scorpio's energy, making you feel refreshed and renewed. The stretch in your spine helps let go of stress, almost like getting rid of old worries. Doing this pose is like taking a journey within yourself, helping you rise up strong and resilient from any challenges you've faced.

~Lie on your belly, placing your hands under your shoulders.

~Inhale, lifting your chest while keeping your pelvis grounded.

~Feel the stretch in your spine, awakening the energy of transformation.

Twisted Lunge (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana)

The twisting action in your lunge symbolizes the transformative journey of Scorpio. As you exhale and twist your torso, you engage in a physical representation of releasing and letting go. The openness of the pose encourages a deep exploration of inner transformation, reflecting Scorpio's ability to navigate the depths with courage.

~From all 4 or Downward Dog bring your right foot through to Crescent Lunge.

~Inhale open, exhale with palms together, and twist right. You can also just open your heart and arms as seen in the image above.

~With palms together expand your chest, heart open, shoulder relaxed.

~Repeat on the other side.

Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Camel Pose stretch that not only opens up your chest and heart but also reflects Scorpio's vibe, nudging you to be open and feel your deeper emotions. It's all about letting out your true self. Plus, this pose is good for your throat, kind of like Scorpio's link to speaking up. Doing it takes some strength and guts, echoing Scorpio's idea of facing tough stuff and coming out stronger. Camel Pose also works the muscles in your lower back, connecting with your roots and giving you stability, which is pretty handy during the changes tied to the Scorpio New Moon.

~Kneel with your shins hip-width apart, placing your hands on your lower back.

~Inhale, lift your shoulders and lungs up towards the sky while pressing your hips forward

~As you open your heart, visualize shedding emotional layers and embracing vulnerability—a key aspect of Scorpio's transformative energy.

~Inhale a big breath to come out of your pose.

Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Butterfly Pose opens the hips and symbolizes the softening and opening that accompanies transformation. As you inhale, lengthening your spine, and exhale, folding gently forward, you embody the flexibility required to navigate change. This pose encourages a sense of receptivity and adaptability, qualities that align with the energy of Scorpio.

~Sit with the soles of your feet together, knees falling open.

~Inhale, lengthening your spine, and exhale, folding forward gently.

~Allow the posture to symbolize the opening and softening that comes with transformation.

Reclining Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana)

This pose targets the hips, an area often associated with holding emotional tension. As you lie on your back and draw one knee toward your chest, you allow for the release of stored energy, surrendering to the transformative process. Reclining pigeon encourages a sense of vulnerability and openness, reflecting Scorpio's transformative power.

~Lie on your back, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee.

~Clasp your hands behind the thigh or place your foot against a wall. Gently draw in toward your chest making sure to keep shoulders and jaw relaxed.

~Feel the release in your hips and surrender to the transformative process.

Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Corpse Pose serves as a crucial part of the integration process after a yoga practice. This final relaxation allows the body and mind to absorb the benefits of the preceding poses. By incorporating Corpse Pose into your yoga practice during the New Moon in Scorpio, you create a space for deep relaxation, release, and introspection. It becomes a valuable tool for embracing the transformative energy of Scorpio, allowing you to surrender to the natural cycles of renewal and rebirth.

~Lie down on your back, palms facing up, feet falling open.

~Allow yourself to fully surrender, symbolizing the death of old habits and the rebirth of new possibilities.

Closing Meditation

As you conclude your practice, find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and return to the breath. Visualize the energy of the Scorpio New Moon infusing you with the strength to let go of what no longer serves you and the courage to embrace transformation. Allow yourself to be reborn, like the moon, into a new phase of your journey.

May your practice be a sacred space for self-discovery and empowerment. Embrace the transformative power within you and trust in the magic of new beginnings.

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