The Shift From Less Than To More Than Enough


Are you always feeling like other people’s lives are better then yours?? Newsflash…they are feeling the same way!! It is a vicious cycle that many of us live in. Every time we open up social media we see the fun trips, the amazing girls nights, the best relationship moments…what we are seeing is the ‘highlight reel’. Our mind kicks into “they are so lucky, look at all they have, wish I could travel more, wish I could go out more, wish I didn’t have to work all the time, wish my relationship was like that, wish I had that job”… and it goes on and on.  Another place this happens could be your yoga class. How many of us have started a yoga class already believing another student is better than us, has cuter clothes, or is more flexible.  

In doing this you forget ALL the amazing things about you! Regardless of our situation, there are so many ways in which each of us are blessed.  Maybe, just maybe, we are at our beginning and they are at their middle.  Who knows what we don’t see.  And the crazy thing is, other people are doing the same thing about YOU!

So… how Do We Stop This Cycle of Resentment and Self Degrading??  

Awareness of what is actually happening is the first step

Catching yourself in the moment.  This really takes practice but can be done. 

Shifting the Way We Feel

Once you are aware, you can shift the way you think, and the energy you put out there.  Rather then coveting someone else’s life, appreciate it.  Take a moment to send that person an emotional high five.  Many of us will put the high five emoji and maybe some hearts, but do we send it energetically or are we holding a tiny bit of resentment. When you feel these emotions coming on, energetically celebrate that person for a moment.  Send them your appreciation for their life, their gifts, and all the things they have.  I promise you, if feels better.  

Gratitude for Your Life

If it helps, make a list of all the fun things you have done in that year.  I think it might surprise you how long your list will be.  Gratitude for your self, your body, for the relationships in your life, happy or not because they are all lessons for us.  Gratitude for our connection to life force, prana.

By doing these 3 things we can break the cycle of negative energy, and shift it to an energy of appreciation and gratitude for all involved.  Not only are we creating this beautiful energy shift, we are creating a more supportive and loving relationship with ourselves.  And, we can walk away from these situations feeling light, and free, and good about life in general.  Talk about a win, win! So I challenge you, the next time you find yourself comparing your life to someone else’s ‘highlight reel’ stop yourself.  Bring awareness to your thoughts and energy, flip the switch and send appreciation and gratitude.  If you have some time, let me know how it is working out for you in the comments section.


Just Be Yourself


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