The Last New Moon of 2022: How Can We Tap Into It Through Yoga


The final new moon of 2022 is a powerful time for setting intentions, focusing on self-reflection and manifesting our desires. As we close out the year and look towards the new one, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on what we want to bring into our lives in the coming year and how we can align ourselves with those goals.

One way to tap into the energy of the final new moon is through a yoga practice.

Few Ideas for Incorporating This Celestial Event Into Your Practice

Set an Intention for The New Moon

Take a few moments before your practice to sit in stillness and think about what you want to manifest in your life. Write down your intention and keep it with you during your practice as a reminder of what you’re working towards.

Practice Yoga Poses that Help with Self-Reflection

Poses like Child’s Pose, Forward Folds, and Savasana can all help to quiet the mind and allow for introspection. Child’s Pose is a grounding pose that helps to calm the mind and release tension from the back and shoulders. Forward Folds involve bending at the hips and lowering the torso towards the legs, often with the arms extended towards the ground helping to quiet the mind by encouraging a sense of surrender and letting go. Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose, involves lying on the back with the arms and legs extended and the eyes closed. This pose allows the body to fully relax and the mind to quiet, making it an excellent pose for introspection.

Practice yoga poses that help with setting intentions such as Tree pose, or Vrikshasana

This pose helps to improve balance and focus, and can help to bring a sense of stability and grounding. As you stand in the tree pose, visualize your intention or desire as a seed planted deep within you. With each breath, imagine that seed growing and flourishing, becoming more and more rooted in your being. Camel Pose, or Ustrasana can also be particularly helping in setting intentions. This pose helps to open the heart and stimulate the thyroid gland, which is associated with manifestation. As you lift and bend into the camel pose, bring to mind your intention or desire and allow yourself to feel a sense of openness and receptivity towards it. By incorporating yoga into our daily routine, we can create a sense of focus and clarity that allows us to set and pursue our intentions with greater ease.

Incorporate Pranayama (breathing Exercises) Into Your Practice

The new moon is a time of inward focus, and pranayama can help to bring your attention inward and cultivate a sense of calm and clarity.

Use Affirmations During Your Practice

Choose affirmations that align with your intention for the new moon and repeat them to yourself as you move through your poses. This can help to reinforce your goals and keep you focused on your intentions.

End Your Practice with A Meditation

Spend a few moments in stillness, allowing yourself to sink deeper into a state of relaxation and reflection.

Remember to Approach Your Practice with An Open Mind and A Sense of Curiosity

The final new moon of 2022 is a powerful opportunity for growth and transformation, and your yoga practice can be a powerful tool in supporting that journey. Namaste. 

We realize at STY it can be harder for you to get your yoga fix with the cooler weather. Trust us, we miss you too! If it helps, I do have a ton of yoga videos on our Facebook page that might just help you get through the winter season. These were the porch sessions of 2020. There are Level 1 and Power Classes available. Just go to our Photos, click Albums, then scroll down to Videos. You will need to scroll down till you find me on the porch.  I also have a few videos on Youtube that are on the beach if you need a little beach fix. And…I may also offer a few Facebook Live sessions throughout December and January. Please continue to follow and interact with us on Social Media, otherwise we disappear from your feed. There we will post any Pop Up classes and any FB lives I plan. You can also sign up for our Beach Yoga and Events Newsletter here.

Wishing everyone a blissful holiday season full of love and laughter, and lots of yoga~ Melora

If you would like more information on private one on one or small group session please message me at


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