Harnessing the Power of the Libra Full Moon with Yoga and Meditation for Inner Balance


The Full Moon in Libra brings a precious gift – it enables us to make positive changes that serve our highest good and restore balance to our relationships. Additionally, it gives us an opportunity to introspect and make necessary corrections in our lives. How well established are our current boundaries? Do we have any boundaries in our lives, or are we just open gateways allowing the world to pull our energy in all different directions? Let that question sit with you for a moment.  

The Significance of Healthy Boundaries

During this Full Moon in Libra, it is a good time to establish boundaries around your heart, mind, and energy. These boundaries should not be viewed as harsh or unfair to others. Rather, they serve as a means of safeguarding your inner peace and well-being. If we allow others to influence our energy, emotions, and thoughts, we lose control over our ability to maintain inner peace. Rather than defining our own vibration, we absorb the vibrations of those around us. Boundaries are essential in any healthy relationship, whether it’s with a partner, family member, friend, or colleague. They help us to establish our individual needs, values, and personal space, and communicate them effectively to others. Setting healthy boundaries can help us to avoid over-committing, feeling overwhelmed, and experiencing emotional or physical burnout.

Setting healthy boundaries in our relationships is an essential aspect of self-care and maintaining our well-being. Yoga and meditation can be an excellent tool to align our mind and body with this energy. 

Libra is ruled by the air element which can be expressed through our breath. Our inhales empower us to recognize our limitless potential.  Our exhales release any thoughts blocking us from believing and living this potential. 

Yoga Poses For Setting Boundaries

Mountain Pose

A simple standing pose that can help you feel grounded and rooted in your own strength. As you stand in this pose, imagine yourself as a mountain, strong and unmovable. Allow yourself to feel your own strength and power. Practicing Mountain Pose can help improve your posture and alignment, which can have a positive impact on your overall sense of confidence and self-esteem. Standing tall with your shoulders back creates a sense of empowerment. 

Sphinx Pose

Sphinx Pose can help you feel more grounded and connected to the earth, which can create a sense of stability and inner strength building confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. Sphinx Pose involves gently opening the chest and heart center, releasing tension and stress held in this area of the body. This can create a sense of openness and receptivity, allowing you to connect more deeply with your emotions and inner wisdom. All are essential for establishing healthy boundaries.

Tree Pose

This pose represents balance and stability, making it perfect for connecting with the energy of Libra. Tree Pose can help you feel grounded and centered. In a relationship, this can translate to being grounded in your own values and beliefs, and not allowing external factors to sway you. By finding your center of balance, you can remain steady and strong in your boundaries.

Child’s Pose

A gentle resting pose that helps you to feel safe, supported and protected which in turn calms your nervous system.  This can be very helpful when you need to create healthy boundaries in your relationships. Allow your forehead to rest on the ground, and focus on your breath.  

Warrior II

A powerful pose that can help you develop strength and determination. This posture requires you to ground yourself, engage your muscles, and hold your ground. This can translate to relationships, where you need to stand your ground and assert your boundaries. In Warrior II, you can embody the qualities of a warrior, including bravery, strength, and resilience.

Bow Pose

This core-strengthening pose connects you with your center, which is where you’ll feel your limits and start to reset your boundaries. Really any pose that brings awareness to your core will be helpful. 

Bound Angle Pose

This pose can help you establish healthy boundaries by helping you develop an open and receptive mindset. When you’re in this pose, you’re sitting with your feet together, allowing your hips to open up. This posture can help you to let go of tension and stress, and it encourages a sense of vulnerability and openness. In a relationship, this can translate to being open and willing to communicate your needs and feelings.


It can also be a powerful tool for cultivating inner peace and setting healthy boundaries in our relationships. To begin, find a comfortable seated position and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, letting go of any stress or tension in your body.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a glowing, protective bubble of light. Imagine that this bubble represents your healthy boundaries and that it is impenetrable to any negative energy or unwanted influence from others. Letting this be not a shield to keep everyone out, but to serve as a reminder that you are in control of what energy you let in, and what boundaries you set. Saying to yourself, I am in control of my power. 

As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing in positive, supportive energy from the universe. As you exhale, visualize any negative thoughts or emotions leaving your body, freeing yourself from any past experiences that may have weakened your boundaries.

The full moon in Libra is a time of balance, harmony, and setting healthy boundaries in our relationships. Yoga and meditation can be powerful tools for connecting with this energy and creating inner peace and stability. Set little reminders around to honor your needs and prioritize self care. In creating healthy boundaries for yourself you are in turn creating more fulfilling, supportive relationships in your life. 

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