New Moon In Aries: Yoga and Meditation to Help You Align With The New Moon Energy

Hi Friends! 

I have always loved astrology and during most of my 20s carried astrology books around with me all the time. And…funny story, I have also always loved yoga 😉 The fact that I am able to bring the 2 together to share some wisdom with you makes me so happy. So let’s begin! 

The Spring Equinox is today (March 20th) and the New Moon in Aries is tomorrow (March 21st). Needless to say, there is a fiery, almost electric energy in the air. The New Moon tomorrow actually marks the beginning of the astrological new year. It is a time to reset, revisit our intentions, celebrate our journey and our growth, and be proud of who we are becoming.

Aries, ruled by fire and the planet Mars, is raw and primal, representing the vibration of life itself. This force is incredibly dynamic and can sometimes feel overwhelming if we fail to find our center and ground ourselves. It is important to set aside some time every day to breathe, meditate, and engage in activities that allow our energy to flow. Consider practicing yoga, going for walks, runs, dancing, or listening to live music.

As we enter this lunar cycle, take an opportunity to align your yoga practice with the energies of the cosmos to manifest your deepest desires. Here are some yoga poses and meditations that can help you harness the energy of the New Moon in Aries.

~ Sun Salutation 

Sun Salutations honor the energy of the sun and help you tap into your inner fire. Hint, hint – Aries energy. Sun Salutations activate the Solar Plexus Chakra, increase energy and vitality, and help to cultivate mind-body awareness, helping you to tap into the power of the new moon.

~ Warrior 2 

Warrior 2 Stretches your chest, stretches and strengthens your legs, and increases your endurance and balance. This pose is associated with strength, courage, and determination, all qualities that align with the energy of Aries. Warrior 2 can help you tap into your inner warrior spirit, empowering you to take bold action towards your goals. 

~ Revolved Triangle Pose 

Revolved Triangle Pose is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is located in the abdomen and is associated with personal power and willpower. Revolved Triangle can help activate and balance this chakra, allowing you to tap into your inner strength and take decisive action towards your goals.

~Pigeon Pose  

The energy of Aries motivates us to confront our fears head-on, embrace our emotions, and continue forward with courage.  posPigeon Pose stretches the hips and thighs, and can help you release emotional tension and let go of any fears or doubts that are holding you back. 

~Child’s Pose 

Child’s Pose is a gentle resting pose that can help you connect with your breath and quiet your mind. It’s a good pose to practice if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed.


Engaging in meditation empowers us to hone our ability to focus despite distractions and heighten our awareness of our inner guidance. Meditation offers us the opportunity to find stillness and serenity within ourselves, establish a connection with our soul, and distinguish the true meaning of our purpose in life. It enables us to stay true to our authentic selves and stay the course despite the noise of outside influences. Ultimately, it enables us to return to our true essence and continue our journey with conviction with trust, belief and drive.

Breath Awareness Meditation: Sit comfortably and focus on your breath. Notice the sensation of the breath as it enters and leaves your body. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath.

New Moon Intention Setting Meditation: Close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving your goals and desires. Focus on how you will feel when you achieve them. Repeat your intentions to yourself and trust that the universe will support you in manifesting them.

Myths of a Meditation Practice –

  ~I don’t have enough time. NOT TRUE. Meditating for a minute is better than not meditating at all. 

~ I need an altar to meditate. NOT TRUE. Let the earth be your alter. Or a favorite chair in your house. Find a spot that feels good to you. Or if you’re desperate, sit down in that pile of laundry and get to it 😉 

Journal Prompts for The New Moon in Aries

  1. What new beginnings do you want to create in your life, and what steps can you take to make them happen?

  2. How can you harness the fiery energy of Aries to pursue your goals with passion and determination?

  3. What limiting beliefs or fears are holding you back from taking action, and how can you overcome them?

  4. How can you embrace the spirit of adventure and exploration during this new moon cycle, and what new experiences or challenges can you pursue to expand your horizons?

Believe in the process of your life, trust that you’re on the right path even when it seems circular. Eventually, everything will make sense. Be thankful for the journey, enjoy the chaos, and don’t worry about minor issues. Focus on what inspires you, and that’s where your soul wants to go, so follow it.

Serenity Tree Yoga offers Beach Yoga classes all around the Charleston area as well as Bachelorette/Wedding and  Private and Small Group classes catered to your specific needs. Please continue to follow and interact with us on Social Media, otherwise we disappear from your feed. There we will post any Pop Up classes and any FB lives I plan. You can also sign up for our Beach Yoga and Events Newsletter here.


Starting Your Yoga Journey: Tips for Newbies and the Benefits of Beach Yoga


Spring Equinox: Yoga and Meditation to Help You Align With The Natural Rhythms of the Earth.