• Owner, creator, mother to STY. She is like my third child. I am loyal to a fault, with a lioness spirit and a wild heart. I’m not super organized but somehow created this amazing business, and have kept it going now since 2013. I forget my left and right at least once a class, and don’t even get me started on forgetting a sequence mid-way. I laugh at myself, a-lot. What you see is what you get with me. It is so important to me for everyone to feel like yoga is accessible, and a safe loving space. My classes are lighthearted and fun. If you are looking for serious and strict, I might not be your girl, but I am so willing to play in the sand with you.

  • I received my 200 hour in 2003 (yes,15 years ago ) and have been teaching ever since. I would be willing to guess I have well over 500 hours in certifications, but I am not one to keep count.

  • Everything

  • Live Music; it sets my soul on fire and ignites this incredible freedom within me. I would be lost without it. Traveling with the fam; Packing up the hubs, 2 kids, the cat (yes the cat) and the dog in the pop up is our favorite way to go. I also LOVE a good dress up party.

  • For myself ~ To live this life with meaning, and love, and always a good time. I don’t always succeed, but the intention is always there. For you ~ To make sure you know you are loved.

  • In college I won 12 out of 12 sumo wrestling matches (full costume and all) to get VIP tickets to a Dave Matthews show.

  • That I can find the good in most people, and most situations.

  • I have a few and it is hard to list just one, so I am going to cheat and put two. My favorite quotes both come from my favorite book of all time: The Tao of Willie: A Guide to the Happiness in Your Heart, “I believe in the strength found in being yourself and don’t give an elephant’s ass about trying to fit in or be normal. There is no normal. There is only me and you.” The next quote was in the book, but the author is unknown, “In life it is not how fast you run, or how high you jump, but how well you bounce.”

  • Item description


“In life it is not how fast you run, or how high you jump, but how well you bounce.”

- Unknown